
Wednesday 14 November 2012


I loved this years Halloween spending with at my uncles house who we get to hardly see. There was a bunch of us who went, me and my friend who is in the photo above and 2 of my beautiful sister and there boyfriends and my beautiful mom :). 

When we got there we saw the house decorated outside full of Halloween spooks it was soo cool to see, not only was the outside decorated but the inside of the house was too it was mind blowing they even put the bathroom into the spooky spirits. They had a fake coffin for the kids to play and spooks other people and lots of spooky ripped off head dangling from the ceiling :). 
I was dressed as dead little riding hood and my friend was dead police woman. Every one dressed to impress, everyone made the effort which made the party fantastic. 
Spending Halloween with my sisters and family was amazing I always love going out with my sisters we always have a ball and a laugh with drinks flowing it double the fun. 
I'm really glad I got to spend Halloween with Lauren my friend because I hardly see her as she at uni and she so funny she knows how to have a good time :). We always have laugh out. 
That was my Halloween story and can't wait to tell you my Christmas because that my best holidays!

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