
Tuesday 20 November 2012

My Creative Landscape Project!

This project is all about creative landscape, making the original image, which was just a river with a view of the country side of multiple of beautiful Autumn colours. I added the bridge, the lamppost, the gates under the bridge, green plants on the right bottom corner and the houses and church on top the hill. 
I have played on Photoshop before but not to this level and discover a number of skills you can to manipulate an image to create such a unique image. People freak out on there first time with Photoshop like it there world worst enemy, I was one of them but once you discover what tools does what and how to create the image in your head on Photoshop you start to amaze yourself and discover actually Photoshop is awesome. I am not the best Photoshop editor but I am still learning and finding out how tools still work. People say how do you learn Photoshop? Best way is just grab a image you really like and do not be afraid to really go to town with the image playing with every tool you can find to see how they work, yes there are tutorials on the web and they do help out if you follow the steps, so there are a number of way how you can learn. I find the more experience you have on Photoshop the more helpful it will be for you.


 First I researched a number of artist and photographers that used landscapes or cityscapes in a creative manor just to get some ideas what I wanted to create for my creative landscape the image above I created this effect using a number of artist style such as, David Hockney with the jigsaw looking cubism style and Peit Mondrian with the boarding of black around the edges of each section of the cubism.
Then putting my own style using the colour balance tool on Photoshop to make each section a different shade of colour which I find a bit of Picasso style showing cubism which I did not intend to do but having a play can lead you to better ideas or in fact a pleadable image.
At this stage of my progress I was happy with what I created but was not 110% satisfied and knew I could improve on the photo but was struggling to find out what was my photo missing?

After going back to my research board and the list of my favourite artist I then began to research Andy Warhol pop art style and got so excited to try the pop art style out on Photoshop and loved how it turned out and how it show in some areas a strong definition of pop art and other places you can still see its a photo more then a painting. I am so please how the photo I created turn out and I am going to use this image as 1 of my finals even though this was meant be a play on Photoshop. So 1 final image down 2 more to go!

I would like to say thank you for reading my blog and any questions on about this image feel free to comment and a cheeky follow, you will have to bare with me as I am really new to the blogging world and so far I am loving it. I also want to hear your feedback about my creative landscape, what do you think of it? what do you like about it? What do you dislike about it?

Thanks again for your time!!!

Lots of love Millichocochips 

Wednesday 14 November 2012


I loved this years Halloween spending with at my uncles house who we get to hardly see. There was a bunch of us who went, me and my friend who is in the photo above and 2 of my beautiful sister and there boyfriends and my beautiful mom :). 

When we got there we saw the house decorated outside full of Halloween spooks it was soo cool to see, not only was the outside decorated but the inside of the house was too it was mind blowing they even put the bathroom into the spooky spirits. They had a fake coffin for the kids to play and spooks other people and lots of spooky ripped off head dangling from the ceiling :). 
I was dressed as dead little riding hood and my friend was dead police woman. Every one dressed to impress, everyone made the effort which made the party fantastic. 
Spending Halloween with my sisters and family was amazing I always love going out with my sisters we always have a ball and a laugh with drinks flowing it double the fun. 
I'm really glad I got to spend Halloween with Lauren my friend because I hardly see her as she at uni and she so funny she knows how to have a good time :). We always have laugh out. 
That was my Halloween story and can't wait to tell you my Christmas because that my best holidays!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

A Chip About My Photography

Juggling Balls!

This photo was taken in my first year of my photography course, on a project called Movement. Capturing the movement of the object while taking the photo, learning techniques or camera setting such as BULB. This photo was taken by continuous shooting in low lighting and then overlaying the series of images to create the show of movement of the model hands and juggling balls.

I love photography and learning new ways to create a beautiful image, weather its a landscape, portraits or just for fun, as I have always been a creative human being and I am a hands on learner and with my photos I like to bring the art side of photography as I see photography is art, creating and manipulating the photo you created.

Feather Girl!

The photo above was taken in May time as it was a part of my project where I had to plan a photo shoot, organising the props I need like the two fan that I made using a deck of cards and artificial feathers and used a painted I did when I was studying art and design, also had to organise getting a model to shoot and make up and hair, which I asked for other college students to help out which would then help them out with their portfolio. Not only I had to thing about props and model but also had to thing about time and how am i arranging the lighting.

Lots of Millichocochips Love.

Monday 12 November 2012

My First Blog!

Hi, and welcome to my first ever blog, not sure how these things works but I guess we all start as a beginner.

I guess on your first blog you introduce your self and why I'm here doing blogs :).

Firstly my name is Emily Millichip and i am 20 years of age and at the age of 19 I got a distinction merit merit in art and design, at the moment I am still at college studying a level 3 photography as I am really inspired in the photography industry. At the end of this course I am hoping to get the highest of the highest of grades as you always should give 110% in everything to try to gain the best of the best.

I have created this blog for my own interest to look back on my past and show what I done or created on that day, also created this blog to check out other people interest and their life's in black and white.

Expect a lot of photography and Art on my blogs, but there will be more such as memories, day trips and may one day write a blog about my anxiety once I have got the confident to share to the bloggers.

Lots of Millichocochips love,