
Thursday 14 February 2013

25 Facts About Me!!!

1. I play the ukulele as a hobby, had it at Christmas and I just love it!

2. I have the loudest laugh, which is not good when you need to be quite like in the college library, I just cant control it!  

3. My favorite place to go in the UK is Newquay, and plan one day buy a campervan and drive down there while playing one direction! :)

4. I am hard of hearing and wear hearing aids in both ears. I was diagnosed at the age of 4, and can remember the very first day I got them, walking out the hospital, talking to myself and stomping and heard the church bells and I had to ask mom what they were as I never heard them before..... it was a cute day.

5. I have too many nicknames, manly Little Chip as Im the youngest Millichip in the house, or Mini as my best ginger friend calls me, she stared it in high school. Then there the odd ones like Millie, Em, Ellie.

6. I am 20 and I love Disney, went to disney world in Florida and it was the best 2 weeks ever! I want to go back so bad, as I met my favorite characters Jasmine and Aladdin. as a kid my I watched Tarzan too many times that I believed I was him and started climbing trees!

7. I have a big passion for photography and at the moment studying the topic at college, and my dream is to have a career relate to it!

8. I suffer from anxiety, and suffer it since I can remember but the last 2 year I have suffered badly and decided to kick anxiety where it hurts, and got some help, and honestly it was the best thing I did! I am much more happy knowing how to deal a panic attack and more happy in general, I can do thing that I know last year I would of broke down if I even thought about it. If your reading this and you feel negative about everything or feel like you can't do anything, please, please get help it will help you look forward to life! With anxiety no can fix you mentally, only you can by getting help!

9. I am a woman and I can't multitask!

10. Love entertaining and making my sisters and close friends with my funny dancing show, and taking the mick out of there groovy moves.

11. School was my most worst nightmare and do not wish to go back one bit :( too many bad memorise and never liked any of the teachers, my anxiety was so bad at school :(. but met some great friends, some I have lost contact :( but I still got the ginger one, she my best budd! One good thing about School was art.

12. My mom gave me the middle name of Jayne because she liked how it was spelt with a 'Y', and she gets annoyed if she sees some of my post if it spelt like this; - Jane. she hates it! 

13. I don't get on with small minded or shallow people, I think sometimes they need to think what they saying to people can really hurt them, and thats not cool!

14. I still stuck my thumb...... I know I know, I trying I swear. I will give it up, I have promised myself!

15. At the age of 15 I had bad pneumonia and was rushed to hospital for 3 weeks for them to fix me :( was the most scariest time in my entire life!

16. At the age of 13 I was becoming really ill and really tired all the time and was diagnosed of a under active thyroids problems, but now healthy on medication!

17. I get my 'R' and 'W' sounds mixed up so instead of saying Rock 'n' Roll I would say Wock 'n' Woll! ;')

18. I used to be a tom boy when I was little, play football and computer games, I don't so much now I am grown up into a woman. ha!

19. I think and worry about my future far to much!

20. I have a goldfish Finley, and even though all they do is eat and swim, I love him! I dunno wether its  a girl or a boy so sorry fish if I gave you a boys name!


22. I love hot coco! but it got to be hot milk not water thats just nasssstttyyyy!

23. I am a Daddies girl! 

24. I am obsessed with watching stuff on YouTube.

25. I hate horror movies, no matter how stupidly made they are my mind will somehow freak me out!

Thank for checking this out, I have enjoyed whiting this blog very much, as it made me realise about my past, present and future.
I would be grateful with comment or links to your 25 fact :).
Take Care for now Budds!

Love Millichocochip .x. 

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