
Thursday 3 January 2013


I know I haven't been blogging for a good month or so, but I do have reasons so please forgive me. So here I going to talk about my Christmas Day as I'm having Christmas blues :(. So sad it over, until another year.


Christmas is my all time favourite holidays sharing it with my family and close friends enjoying the best of the company and waiting for the big man Santa to deliver the presents under the tree too watch my nephew and niece faces :). Can't beat it.

No matter how old I am I the most excited one in the house when it comes to crimbo! It was Christmas Eve and I went into my sister room and ask if I could open one present and she can open one too, so we had a cheeky one. I opened my present and she got me the DVD of Aladdin I was sooooo happy :), yes I'm aware that I'm 20 years of age but you're never to old for Disney film! 'A whole new world!' My Christmas Eve night was sorted with Aladdin on repeat as no one can sleep 100% on the night.

Every year is always the same when coming to waking the house up. Me and my sibling would toss a coin to see who would wake the parents up, me being the youngest I always seem to get the job! But now two of my sisters have grown up and had a family and the other moved out with her boyfriend, it's just me and Joanne left at home. Anyways I would text my sister Jo 'are you awake?' And she would reply 'Yes, go and wake mom and dad!' I would then text back saying 'No!!! I'm to scared haha. Come and watch Aladdin with me!' Jo would then come into my room and join in the sing song of Aladdin! She would push me out of my own bed and hog all of the blanket! 'Hey! That my carpet ride'! I would of shouted. Haha :'). My favourite part of Aladdin was on so I jumped on my bed and started to sing 'a whole new worldddd' in very out of tune and my sister would join in having lots of giggles and making up the words if we couldn't remember the lyrics :'). At this point we sure have woke up the house with our terrible singing and we heard dad shout out 'ITS CRIMBO'!!!!!!!

My dad is very much like Scrooge until the day of Christmas he hate to admit it but he loves Christmas Day. Just doesn't like the build up to it all.

My dad is a funny man, he would drag mom out of bed and run around the house and shout 'ITS CRIMBO!!!' While running around the house. That when me and Jo would join in and mom trying to craw back into bed, as she would of been a busy bee over the build up for Christmas. Mom and Dad would then sort the turkey out trying their best to stuff it and herb it up and shove it in the oven making as much racket they could.

Me and Jo would be waiting patiently in the front room staring at the presents and having a feel. Once the parents sorted the turkey they joined us to hand out the presents and oh my goodness I was so grateful for what they gave me! Even though they played a big trick on me! I've been on about a ukulele but about 6 months to my Dad and he been winding me up saying he was going to buy one for him and tease me with all the songs I want to learn. Anyways I was distracted with one of my presents I got and Dad went behind the TV and pulled this present out and place it on my lap baring in mind I was still distracted, after and good 2 minutes I look at my lap I knew straight away what it was and I shouted 'YES, I KNOW WHAT THIS IS'!!!! 'IT A UKULELE'!!!! I began to open it and looked at it and pretended I knew how to play it but had no clue! Was very funny :). I'm a lefty so needed to change the stings but some how my dad got hold of it and stared playing as he a right hander, and he very much enjoyed playing it! He a guitarist so he knows some of the chords already, however I started to worry I wasn't going to get it back as he was having too much fun on it haha :). He enjoyed the ukulele that much he gone and ordered himself one after changing the strings round for me.

It was about 11 o'clock and we open and gave the presents out and was time to put on out new clothes we got from Christmas and head down to see my lovely Nanny Bett to open our socking fillers and to see the rest of our big family while we left the turkey cooking. Seeing my cousins, aunties, uncles and of course the kids :). Having little one around you at Christmas makes Christmas so special seeing the faces and the over excitement :). After opening our stockings and sharing the love and eating all of my Nans and Pops (my grandad) tasty nibbles it was time to get back to the turkey.

We have a big family and we had my big sister, Gemma and her husband, Jez and the niece, Olivia and the nephew, Callum. We have Mom and dad and of course Jo and me on one big fat table :). There was something special missing this year tho my 2nd eldest sister and her boyfriend Tom, was so weird not having them around keeping the drinks flowing as they spent there Christmas at Toms Moms, as it was there turn to spend it there. But this year they will be married and spend the first married Christmas with us! How exciting :). Can't wait for this years CHRISTMASSSS! (I know we just had one.)

After eating our delicious Christmas dinner we went in the front room to let the kids, Olivia and Callum open the presents and have a little play while the grown up have a nap to ware off for eating to much! I'm far to excited to nap so I play with the kids toys with them, sometimes I think I have more fun then them.

About 3 o'clock it all got to much for little Callum and he was ready to go home and have a nap, after all it is a big day for a 4 year old. The kids had so much they could not fit all of it into the car so had to leave some toys behind. Buy they time my sister Gemma and her husband Jez and kids left every one was asleep apart from me! After entertaining myself for an hour I heard a knock at the door and it was my sister Amy and Tom!!!!! Exciting! The party is starting!

Amy came in a little tipsy as she been on the sambuca and Tom came in with a drinking game Russian roulette and a bottle of sambuca! This moment on I said this is going to be one entertaining night!
They opened there presents from here then everyone was being boring wanting to sleep so me and Tom went into the dining room and got the game set up and Dad came in to be nosey bringing the ukulele and getting the tablet and learning how to play 'somewhere over the rainbow'. Tom also had a little go and wants to buy one :'). After a little jamming me and Tom wanted to see how the game worked so we filled the shot glasses with different drinks we thought we go easy and just try cider, larger, baileys and cheeky one of sambuca. And oh my goodness it was a funny game and one game lead to another and another. At this time me and Tom was get more tipsy and started pouring some of the drinks in the wrong shot glass, pouring cider in a baileys shot glass so it would curdle! I was dreading to get that shot! But lucky it was Tom that got it. So I was lucky, the face expression he gave show it was a dirty shot! It was that horrible be had to go to the toilet and all you heard was a massive THUD of him falling up the stairs! HAHAHA. After he came back my sister woke up and came into the room and join in with the games. At this point we wanted more players for it to be a interesting night so I invited my favorite ginger, Lauren to come and join and little Lucy poo! We also gave Harry a prank call and he also came over :). My other sister, Jo and her boyfriend John join in too!

With 8 of us around the big table we thought it was time to change the game to ring of fire! What a game I must add! Harry was the most funniest with his animal nosies dares and the question round! If you haven't played the ring of fire I do recommend it. It's better the more people you have :).

However it was getting late and was time to be quite but we thought we best pack away as we didn't want to upset anybody, however my sister Amy lives across the road from me and so we moved the part from there.

I have enjoyed my Christmas so much this year and I hope my blog has entertained you with my big long story ;).

Please comment and follow and ill check out your blogs too :).

Lots of love Millichocochips .x.